Author: Alex Squire

Alex Squire is 33 year old quadriplegic powerchair user from Lincolnshire. He writes about the places he Has visited as well as his interests and more general disability-related topics. Alex is currently studying for a diploma in journalism.

Tenerife Accessibility Review

At the beginning of June I spent a week in Tenerife – the second most visited destination in the world for disabled people, behind Florida. The reason is not …

Accessible restaurants in Lincoln

Following on from my post about accessible bars in Lincoln, I thought I would do one about accessible restaurants too. There are a wide variety of restaurants in Lincoln …

Accessible gaming with Special Effect

Playing video games can be difficult for disabled people sometimes. The controllers are not always easy to use, especially for someone with limited hand function like myself. Luckily there …

Having an ice time

On The Thursday before Christmas I thought I would go and try out the ice rink in Lincoln. They have one every year and this year it is there …

The Versatile Blogger Award

I am delighted to announce that I have been nominated for the Versatile Blogger Award! Cue the party! Thank you so much to Faith who nominated me for …

Blackpool Accessibility Review

At the beginning of September I went to Blackpool for the weekend, from Friday to Monday. It was an illuminating experience! In this post I will write a review …