Author: Alex Squire
Alex Squire is a 35-year-old quadriplegic powerchair user from Lincolnshire, England. He writes about the places he has visited, home and abroad, assistive technology, and whatever else is on his mind.
ESA benefit cuts only push the poor further into poverty
The UK government have recently continued their policy of kicking the most vulnerable people in society by cutting the Employment and Support Allowance (ESA) by £30 a week, from …
Being Disabled Does NOT Mean You Can’t Be Happy
People are sometimes surprised that I am a cheerful person. They expect me to be constantly miserable just because I am disabled. They believe that if they were in my …
Lipreading lets the deaf “hear”
I saw a fantastic video the other day about Lipreading which helps to show what it’s like for a deaf person to try and communicate. It shows how difficult …
Flirting with the World’s Deadliest Poison
Today I was injected with the most potent poison known to man. One gram of it (about the mass of a raisin) is enough to kill over 5.5 million …
Don’t Be a Dick
Believe it or not, I can be a bit of a dick sometimes. I know what you’re thinking: “NO Alex! I won’t have it said. A more saintly person …
My favorite YouTubers (who caption!)
This is a great post about YouTubers who use subtitles on their videos by Ellen Parfitt: Source: My favorite YouTubers (who caption!) I find it really frustrating when there is …
Could you live without a computer? I couldn’t!
This is a response to the Daily Prompt “Life After Blogs: Your life without a computer: what does it look like?” If computers all over the world suddenly stopped working …
The exercist: banishing the fat Demons
I am an exercist. No, not the kind that banishes Demons from people who are possessed. I mean I exercise, hence exercist (see what I did there?). There is …
10 Perks of Being Disabled
Let’s face it, being disabled is not all sunshine and rainbows. It’s not a non-stop party. But although there is a lot of shit that comes with a disability …
London to Amsterdam by Eurostar? Yes please!
Eurostar are set to launch their new direct high-speed service from London to Amsterdam in December 2016. The service will stop at Antwerp, Rotterdam and Schiphol airport on the …
More Subtitled Films Please
I have a hearing loss. So whenever I watch films on DVD or at the cinema I need subtitles to understand what is being said. Last week I went …
Merry Christmas everyone!
Well, here we are again at the end of another year and Christmas is upon us. 2015 has been a good year for me and it’s been quite busy.
The Future Is What You Make of It
In response to the daily prompt “Life Line” “You’re on a long flight, and a palm reader sitting next to you insists she reads your palm. You hesitate, but …
Devotees: Exploring the Disability Fetish
When you think about things that people generally find sexy, disability probably doesn’t spring to mind. But there are some people that find disabilities a big turn on: Devotees. …
Air Travel for the Disabled Needs to Improve
Back in October I went to Berlin for a week, which obviously involved flying. This was the first time I’d been on a plane for 10 years. The last …
DDA20: 20 years of disability rights
“The reasonable man adapts himself to the world that surrounds him. The unreasonable man attempts to adapt the surrounding world to himself. Therefore all progress depends on the unreasonable …
Disability innovation: Introducing tech fortnight with eye gazes and music
Berlin: An Accessibility Review
This is an accessibility review of Berlin, one of the coolest and most accessible cities in Europe.
Berlin is calling me
It’s official, I’m going to Berlin in October. The flight is booked and all the equipment has been arranged. Now the countdown has begun – three weeks and counting.