So the US presidential election is less than two days away on November 8. This post is primarily aimed at my readers in the US who are going to be voting in the coming days. I, like most rational people in the world, hope that you don’t vote for Trump. Please vote for Clinton. I know she is not perfect, but it’s the only way to keep Trump out of the White House.
Below are 11 Reasons to vote for Clinton NOT Trump
1. 50+ Republican foreign policy and national security experts sign a letter asserting that they will not vote for Trump and believe he would be the most reckless US president in history:…/national-security-letter-trump.html
2. A master list of literally hundreds of reasons to think Trump is not fit to be president:…/anti-trump-masterp…///// Shorter Reddit version:…/a_final_response_to_the_tell_me_w…/
3. Sam Harris articulates why Donald Trump is a dangerous candidate:
4. 370 economists, including eight Nobel laureates in economics, sign a letter warning that Trump’s plan for the economy is fundamentally unsound and that he is a “dangerous, destructive choice for the country”:…/documen…/EconomistLetter11012016.pdf
5. Scott Alexander refutes claims that Trump is likely to keep us out of war:
6. Renowned ethicist Peter Singer explains why he’s anti-Trump and urges American voters not to vote for a third-party candidate:…/jill-stein-should-withd…
7. LessWrong founder and AI researcher Eliezer Yudkowsky on the “Level A and Level B” of politics and why national security experts “went into HOLY SHIT mode” over Trump:
8. America Has Never Been So Ripe for Tyranny:…/2016/04/america-tyranny-donald-trump.html
9. Sam Harris and Andrew Sullivan explain everything wrong with Clinton and why they will still undoubtedly vote for her:
10. Scott Alexander endorses Clinton and urges people to consider that Trump is an extremely high-variance/high-risk candidate:…/ssc-endorses-clinton-johnson-o…/
11. How political idealism leads us astray:…/8/4/12376522/political-idealism-enemy
Credit to Jordan Bates, co–creator of High Existence, for compiling this list
Well Alex…Trump is now the POTUS-Elect. I suppose those people who vowed to move to another country are finished packing by now, and either already in their chosen country, or they have returned to their present lives realizing that despite the outcome, life does and will go on…right here in the United States. He will not be the first president that probably should have gone fishing instead. For all we know, he may be kicking himself in the butt for even conceiving of the idea in the first place. Hopefully though, he’ll use his supposed leadership abilities to surround himself with people that have more experience, a more even temperament, and some true political common sense. Alas, he’s as human as the rest of us, and may have to be shocked into a liberal dose of humility, and true service-leadership qualities. In the meantime, Americans may want to plan for a future of uncertainly, while also making changes in their own homes and hearts that will protect as much as they can control about their own affairs. In the end, I personally believe the life and freedoms we want so much to have is a choice only we as individuals can make. It’s not up to one man or one woman…unless that man or woman is you!
Maybe some of the racist and sexist stuff that he said was just trying to win votes and not what he is actually going to do? Time will tell. The only positive I see at the moment is he seemed to be getting on well with Putin which is not a bad thing. As long as he doesn’t cause world war three. Hopefully he won’t infringe too much on the freedoms of people such as Mexicans or anybody else that he doesn’t like.
Hope. Let’s give it a chance!