The inaccessible OCT machine strikes again

Last week I went to see an ophthalmologist at the hospital because I think my cataracts are causing problems for my vision.

Before I saw the doctor I was supposed to have an OCT scan which takes a 3D scan of the back of the eye. They gave me some eyedrops beforehand to dilate my pupils and make it look like I’m stoned.

The OCT machine was on a table which could go up and down and move around on wheels. But the problem is I couldn’t get close enough to it. I needed to rest my chin on a bar on the machine and put my eye up to a sensor.

I drove as close as I could to the table, inclined the back of my chair forward as much as possible, THEN there were 3 people leaning me forward and trying to get my head in the right position.

a man in a power chair sat in front of a table with 2 OCT machines on them.
This photo was actually at Specsavers couple of years ago. I didn’t have my phone with me yeah the hospital so can take a photo of the offending machine

Yet despite all this I still couldn’t get close enough and in the right position to do the scan. So after a while we gave up which was frustrating.

It’s not the first time I’ve had this problem.

In 2017 I went to see an ophthalmologist and I couldn’t do that scan then either. I complained to PALS, the Patient Advice and Liaison Service, and they said they would bring the issue up in a meeting. But obviously nothing has changed since then.

I’ve also had this problem at Specsavers where they have OCT machines which I couldn’t use.

I have emailed them again about it but I’m not optimistic about anything changing.

I don’t know if there is an accessible OCT machine, and I couldn’t find anything about accessible OCT machine by googling.

But obviously there is a need for one because otherwise people like me are being denied scans which could identify problems.

If we can’t have the scan then problems might arise which could otherwise have been picked up and dealt with.

Are there any other wheelchair users who have managed to have an OCT scan before? Let me know in the comments if you have.this


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