“Interstellar” Space Orchestra Show

Last Updated on 17/11/2019 by Alex Squire

2019-07-08 15.02.20

This year marks the 50th anniversary of the first Apollo moon landing on 21 July. There are a number of events taking place across the country to mark the occasion. I went to one such event on 6 July, held at the Lincolnshire Showground, which was brilliant.

The show was called Interstellar and it was presented by Secret Symphony. They have a 50 piece orchestra (called the Limelight Orchestra) and they performed space-related songs from lots of popular artists such as Coldplay, David Bowie, Muse, Daft Punk, Pink Floyd, ELO, and many others. The orchestra was accompanied by backing singers who sang very well.


Visual footage of space was projected onto a net screen in front of the orchestra so it kind of looked like a hologram.

We had arrived at 6:30 with the show starting at 7:30. As we got to the Showground everywhere seemed suspiciously quiet. I was expecting it to be an outdoor event with a stage, but it turned out to be held indoors in the Epic Centre.


The Epic Centre is an exhibition centre in the middle of the Showground.

I had read that food was available so I didn’t have dinner at home opting instead to have something at the venue. Unfortunately, it turned out the only food available were snacks like cakes and crisps. Not exactly a meal like I was hoping for.

Nevertheless, I bought a nice shortbread thing which had white chocolate and dried fruit on it which was very tasty, and a packet of crisps.

Not exactly a nutritious dinner but I’ll take it.


Overall, I thought it was a brilliant show and I loved all the music. I already liked a lot of the songs that they played but there were some that I wasn’t familiar with and I will check them out.

For example, I haven’t listened to Muse much before but I will check out some of their albums now. They seem to have quite a few space-related songs.


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