Tag: Accessibility

My review of Naidex 2019

On 27 March I went to Naidex. In case you are not aware Naidex is a big disability exhibition showcasing all sorts of things from wheelchairs to accessible holiday …

My Birthday Trip to York

Follow my blog with Bloglovin I’m a bit late with writing this post, so pretend you are reading this a week ago. :p It was my birthday on 22 …

Changing Places Toilets in Lincoln

Changing places toilets are the gold standard of disabled toilets, but unfortunately changing places are not everywhere. But they are increasing in number. There are 7 official changing places toilets …

Social Isolation And Disability

I often find myself isolated and a bit lonely. It’s quite common in people with disabilities, and indeed in the general population. In a survey of 1004 disabled people …