Last Updated on 17/11/2019 by Alex Squire
Let’s face it, being disabled is not all sunshine and rainbows. It’s not a non-stop party.
But although there is a lot of shit that comes with a disability there are some upsides too. So without further ado, and in no particular order, I present to you 10 perks of being disabled!
Queue Jumping:
this is one of my favourite perks of being disabled. Being a wheelchair user I usually get to skip the queues at theme parks, concerts or clubs. It’s very handy if there is a mile long queue to be able to go straight to the front. Although I do feel a bit awkward and I try not to make eye contact with the people waiting patiently in the queue as I go by. Especially if it is raining.
Good Parking:
Disabled parking spaces are always situated near to the entrance of buildings. They’re really handy because most disabled people find it difficult to walk or roll long distances. However, these parking spaces are sometimes abused by those without a disability, other than being lazy. But I try to give people the benefit of the doubt because disabilities are not always visible.
Free Carers’ Tickets:
When I go to the cinema and music concerts I am entitled to a free carers ticket. Most places will offer this but there are still some places that don’t. It’s only fair that the carers get a free ticket because they wouldn’t be there if I wasn’t disabled. Effectively I am paying extra because of my disability.
Viewing Platforms:
At music concerts or festivals they usually have a raised viewing platform for wheelchair users. We get a pretty decent view of the stage from these platforms. Plus the disabled toilets are usually right next to it, which is handy.
Nobody Complains When I Run Them over:
if an able-bodied person stood on your foot you would probably expect an apology. However, when I run over people’s feet THEY apologise to ME, even if it was blatantly my fault. People seem to feel guilty if they don’t get out of my way fast enough, which is a good job because running over people’s feet or bumping into them happens quite a lot especially in crowded rooms.
I Can Easily Get through Airport Security:
This generally goes for any type of security. Everybody else gets frisked and has to go through metal detectors, but all I get is a quick pat down and my bag checked. I could be sat on a bomb and they wouldn’t know. [NOTE: I would just like to point out in case GCHQ or the NSA are reading this I am NOT a terrorist and am merely pointing out a flaw in security]
Free Bus Pass and discounted train tickets:
This is definitely a bonus if you regularly use the buses like I did at university. Also we can get one third off rail tickets for ourselves and a carer which always helps.
Getting to Ride in First Class at No Extra Cost:
On trains the wheelchair spaces in first class and standard class. But because there are only two spaces in each I sometimes have to travel in first class if the standard spaces are already filled (it’s a hardship but I make do). To be honest though first-class is not that special, all you get is a bit of extra space and a garden on the window. It’s not really worth paying extra anyway
When some doors close, others open:
There are some things which I’ve done which I probably wouldn’t have done if I was able-bodied. For instance, I went sailing on a tall ship for a week which I probably wouldn’t have done if I was able-bodied. There are people that I have met who are now good friends that I wouldn’t have met if I hadn’t become disabled. So even though having a disability sucks sometimes, there are positives if you know where to look.
Meeting interesting people:
When I go clubbing I almost always attract people who want to talk to me or dance with me. I (usually) like it when people come up to me because I want to meet people and it often makes the night more interesting, especially if they are drunk which they usually are. I especially like it when girls come up to me and randomly give me a kiss which tends to happen not infrequently!
Perks? My fiance makes me lots of cups of tea

Lots of tea is always a good thing
I disagree with number five it f ing hurts so apologies needed
Brilliant blog Alex whoever we are we all need to adopt the attitude of looking on the positive side of life
I do apologise when I run people over, but more often than not they apologise to me first! Thanks very much for reading my blog, and thank you for your support!
What a positive outlook to have on it! You had me giggling throughout. Thank you for linking up with #momsterslink. Hope to see you again! It’s every Thurs-Sunday!
Trista, Domesticated Momster
Thanks for reading it, glad you liked it!
Thanks for sharing this blog.
I enjoyed reading your blog and love your sense of humour to make it authentically yours
I’m glad you enjoyed it Enu! Thanks for the comment
This was an awesome read!
Thanks, Melanie! I’m glad you enjoyed it
The jury is still out